Greetings again my Brethren.  This month we will start looking at    two of four points to what is to be observed when we wait before God.  Many Christians seem to have no time for God maybe that is why God has no time for them.  Remember God is to us what we are to God. Oh God is there for them as He is there for everyone, but for those who have turned aside as Moses did on Sinai to see (understand, revelation) the glory of a bush that burns yet was not consumed.  James tells us to, “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.”  (James 4:8)  The action is on us first to “draw near,” but how do we do that?  We think we know how to “cleanse our hands” and “purify our hearts” (not really), but how do we “draw near to God?”  That is easy we wait for Him.  You know we are in such a hurry.  If you think not just go to a busy shopping centre and get in line to buy something.  In our busy life style we have become so impatient.  Our world moves so fast, technology spins our lives out of our control, and we seem to be in perpetual motion not having time to stop and hear from God.  Please know this is our fault.  You know I find we always have time for the things we think are important.  Karen and I were in a local church we use to visit regularly one Wednesday night the pastor was taking prayer requests.  One lady who was a mover and shaker in the church blurted out, “Satan has me so busy I do not have time for the things of God.”  Without thinking I said that is not true. Well after church I was chastised by the pastor for not being sympatric. What foolishness. Satan does not make us do anything.  He has no power over us, but to deceive and lie to us.  We take it from there.  When we do not make time for God it is because we are either too busy for Him or worse we see no value in the time we spend with Him.  Oh no my friend the values of waiting on God are beyond the eternal treasures God has for us.  For in them (the treasures) is the person of God we must come to know if we are ever going to know Him and come to the place in Him we can handle some of what God has called us to do. We will never be able to do that which God wants us to do unless we wait on God. There are four points as a introduction I would like to share. The first point is the seeking on God involves a waiting FOR God.  In Lamentations Jeremiah writes, “It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. 28 He sitteth alone and keepeth silence, because he hath borne it upon him. 29 He putteth his mouth in the dust; if so be there may be hope.”:  (Lamentations 3:27-29) Here the man (could be a young man in age or in the LORD) bears the yoke of the LORD.  Unless we bear the yoke of the LORD  in our lives we will never to hear from God.  Our mind will be running 1,000 miles a hour and our heart will be filled with our ambitions and desires. The yoke of the LORD puts us into restraints and limitations where we can hear from God and where He can break us so He can fix us. So much can be learned when we can close our mouth.  So much can learned of God when we are drawn away from people and the world.  You know there is not much talking going on when you have a mouth full of dust.  The second point is found in the Book of Isaiah, “And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him.”  (Isaiah 30:18) Now it is nice to know if we make time for God He will make time for us.  But please know the opposite of this is also true.  If we will NOT make time for God He will NOT make time for us.  Truth as a double edged sword cuts us both ways, coming and going.  Here the other side of the sword automatically cuts us to our heart and soul, no time for us if we make no time for Him. But if we do we find the LORD will wait on us.  Our time sitting before him in silence and in the quietness of the moment will not be in vain.  The promise here from God is He will be “gracious unto you.”  Who wants God to be gracious unto them?  I would think everyone who has any common sense.  Now God has and is always gracious to us when He sent His wonderful Son Jesus Christ to come and die for our sins, but Isaiah is not talking about salvation here. Isaiah is talking about something maybe just as special he is talking about relationship with God and in this relationship He (God) will be gracious to us. I have had many relationships with many people who have not be very gracious to me.  I have had some relationships with people I have not been very gracious to them, but the relationship here is not based on being kind one to the other, but on God’s sovereignty, holiness, and truth. It is based on the character and nature of a loving God.  And there is a second promise in this verse, “that he may have mercy upon you.”  Who wants God’s mercy?  Everyone should have their hand up.  What is the value of God’s mercy?  Not enough tea in all of China, but notice God’s mercy is for the one who waits for Him.  Also notice God’s judgment comes ahead of God’s mercy.  This is a divine spiritual principle, judgment comes before mercy.  Before the judgment God is gracious (why He does not openly consume us for our failings) to those who wait on Him and after the judgment God extends mercy.  What is the value of mercy?  Well the answer to that question can only really be answered by the one that waits on God.                

Next month we will look at the remaining two points as we look at the need for waiting on God.  Do you have time?  Will you make time?  If you make time for God please know He will make time for you.